90 days using StimTenes cranial electrotherapy stimulation/CES therapy – StimTens Worldwide, LLC

My first 90 days using StimTens cranial electrotherapy stimulation/CES therapy

If you have trouble sleeping, buy the StimTens CES cranial electrotherapy device.  I'm a recruiter and my job is very stressful, for me anyway.  My numbers are tracked constantly:  how many emails I've made, how many phone calls, how many people I've spoken to and then the next day, it starts all over again!  Because of this, I constantly worry about my numbers.  Night after night, I replay numbers in my mind.  I toss & turn, and then look at the clock every hour.  I was at the point where I'm not sure if I was sleeping at all, I was waking up exhausted and having to drink eight cups of coffee to make it through the day.

After trying many different "remedies":  pills, light therapy, diet, etc. etc. I purchased the StimTens CES therapy device for sleep disorders.  It came a few days after my purchase and I was excited to try cranial electrotherapy to help cure my insomnia.

The first day I tried the CES therapy device was on May 1, 2017.  I took it out of the box, connected the electrodes to my earlobes and I was good to go.  I turned on the device and tried it for 30 minutes.  I don't know what I expected but when I turned it on, I expected it to shock me or be painful lol, the truth is that you barely even notice it.  If anything, it's like having your earlobes massaged very gently.  Honestly, it feels awesome!  I think I used it at about 6 pm and then hit the hay around 10:30 pm.  And yes, I slept.  I don't know how long, but I slept!  

Of course, I used the cranial electrotherapy device the next night and guess what?  I slept again & I slept well.  My dog had to wake me up in the morning & it's always the other way around.

On the 3rd night using the brain stimulation device, it was the same thing.  Another thing I noticed is that I was not as anxious about my work day.  Yes, I knew I had a ton of things to do & all my activities were tracked but it felt more like a pain in the ass as opposed to walking the plank.  Additionally, my work productivity actually improved, this also reduced my stress & anxiety because for once, I wasn't playing catch up, I was actually ahead of the game.

It's now September and I've continued to use the CES cranial electrotherapy stimulation device about five times a week.  I try for six or seven but don't always use it on the weekends.  The experience with CES therapy has gotten better.  It's become part of my routine and I look forward to it each night, it's almost like a glass of wine lol! I have slept much more soundly while using this device and my professional life has never been better.  I highly recommend cranial electrotherapy by StimTens, it's been a fantastic experience for me.